The annual music recital by Torrance Music was held at Memorial Baptist Church last June 1st. It's Ms. Burrito's second year with them. The music she played is the piece that she won first prize with during the 6th Annual KIngsley S. Ard memorial talent show on March 28 at Milton J. Weinberg Theater, Weir High Campus.
We are torn whether to leave or continue taking piano lessons at Torrance because her teacher there is such a nice lady and she is very good with Ms. Burrito. She will be starting the music program at Doquesne University this September so I don't know what we are going to do.
Anyway, here are some of the photos we took during the event.We are torn whether to leave or continue taking piano lessons at Torrance because her teacher there is such a nice lady and she is very good with Ms. Burrito. She will be starting the music program at Doquesne University this September so I don't know what we are going to do.
I wasn't able to capture good pictures during her performance. I totally regret that I did not bring my 200mm lens for the camera. I thought that we would be able to have a seat close to the front since we went there early but no, the seats were already filled when we arrived, sigh.
Our little Mister said that he is ready to take guitar lesson since he saw many guitar performances. EJ can play piano too but it is not his thing.
Our great friends in the neighborhood came to watch the recital as well. Here with the Howells' ladies, Angie, Sarah, and LIzzy. Thanks for coming guys!
Lolo Don Fancher also came but Lola Ruth did not make it.
It was a really nice recital I must say. The little Miss did really well. I am glad that her nerves did not overcome her ability to perform her piece as she was really nervous while waiting for the show to start. Below is the video that my husband took using his iPhone.
Thank you for watching and for leaving your thoughts!